When an RFQ has Closed, however a client requires specific information from select vendors to make a decision on who to award to, they can use post tender request in Felix.
You will only receive a post tender request via Felix if you Quoted the RFQ yourself in Felix. If you provided your quote outside Felix, your status will be "Manually quoted", and the organisation will need to reach out to you directly for any further information.
Key points to know about post tender requests:
- They are only used on Closed RFQs
- Organisations can select vendors they wish to request information from, unlike Addendums in an Open RFQ where all vendors can see the request.
- You can only respond to a post tender request once, there is no edit/re-submit functionality. However, an organisation can issue another request to you if needed.
- There are no automated "close dates" configured in Felix on a post tender request. They are subject to the requirements set out by your client in the communication they send to you.
- Documents provided by a client on a post tender request are not added to the Documents tab of the RFQ. They are only visible to you (a recipient of the post tender request).
Viewing a post tender request
You will be aware of a post tender request either via an email or a Dashboard notification.
In either case, if you click the "View request" button you will be directed to the Communications tab of the specific RFQ.

Once you are viewing the post tender request communication, you should:
- Review the message from your client
- Download and review any attached documents
- If you have clarifications for your client, you can use the "Create RFI" button
- Once you are ready to respond to the client, use the "Respond" button. You will be directed to the Response tab of the RFQ.
Documents attached to a post tender request are not added to the Documents tab of the RFQ. They are only accessible to post tender request recipients for that specific request, and only from the Communications view.
If you have already responded to the post tender request, or if the client has issued a new request over the top of an existing one, you will not see the "Respond" button, and will see a warning alert on the communication

Responding to a post tender request
Once you have viewed all the provided request information from your client on the Communications tab, you can proceed to respond to the post tender request on the Response tab of the RFQ.
- From the Communications tab, inside the post tender request communication, click "Respond"
- From the Response tab, locate the post tender request open for response. It will be the uppermost "Submission" on the Response tab.

You may observe some requests where you can no longer respond. You will be supported with informational alerts in these cases. If a client takes certain actions on their side, it can nullify some requests. Reach out to your client for further information if required.
- If you have reviewed the client request message and documents on the communications tab - and have no update to provide to returnables or pricing, then you can choose "I have no update":
- Click on the blue text link "I have no update". A modal will open.
- In the modal, review the instructions and add an optional comment to the client.
- Click on Submit.
- The modal with close and the Response tab will update to reflect your No Update status.

- If you wish to respond to the client, then do the following:
- Respond to any present pricing fields on the Response tab
- If there is a "Open Pricing Schedule" button, then a detailed bill of quantities is attached. You need to click this button to quote in the required format. See this article for more detail on this process.

Clients may not request a pricing update as part of a post tender request. If so, you will not see the pricing input fields or Pricing Schedule button.
- Add any comments or documents you desire to support your submission
- Click on Submit. A confirmation modal will open.
- If you confirm you intended to Submit, make your selection as to whether you'd like a "confirmation of submission" email - and click the "Submit" button.
- The modal will close and the Response tab will update to reflect your Updated status.
- Now you have responded to the post tender request, your client will receive an email informing them of your submission.