Deprecation of old-style API tokens

Last updated June 13, 2023
Written by Princess Luzadas

Our Public API authentication process underwent significant enhancements in November 2022, with the aim of improving API performance for our customers. To take full advantage of these improvements, customers are required to utilise the new-style API tokens for authentication.

To facilitate the adoption of the new-style API tokens and ensure that all customers benefit from the latest enhancements and improved performance, we will soon deprecate all API tokens generated before November 21, 2022 (referred to as 'old-style' tokens). This transition will ensure that all customers are seamlessly migrated to the new-style API tokens.

Key Dates

Here are the important dates to remember regarding the transition to the new-style API tokens:

  • Tuesday, 31 October 2023: This is the final day for authentication using the 'old-style' tokens. After this date, the 'old-style' tokens will no longer be valid for authentication.
  • Wednesday, 1 November 2023: Support for the 'old-style' tokens will be discontinued. Starting from this date, customers are required to use the 'new-style' tokens for authentication.

It is crucial to ensure that you have migrated to the 'new-style' tokens before the given deadline to avoid any disruptions and to benefit from the enhanced features and performance provided by the updated authentication process.

Transitioning from old-style token to new-style token

  • Your Felix Administrator, or user with appropriate permissions, can generate new tokens in Felix by navigating to Settings > Integration. A new token needs to be created for each required application.
  • Once a new token is generated, we recommend testing before removing the old tokens from Felix.
  • After successful testing and migrating all applications to the new tokens, we strongly recommend deleting the old tokens to mitigate the risk of future unauthorised access to your data.


Refer to the following articles to know how to generate or remove API tokens in the platform:

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