You can configure the settings and permissions of a project.
Project Settings
Felix provides Project settings for RFQs in order to manage project branding, governance, and currencies.
- Project Branding is used by clients who have branded projects to ensure that suppliers and vendors understand which project they are dealing with, as projects are typically known in the market by their project title versus the client name.
- Sealed Bidding is available to clients with projects that require additional governance around confidentiality of vendor submissions until close date for a fair and transparent process.
For settings:
- Navigate to Projects from the main menu.
- Locate the project you want to configure the settings by using the quick search or filters.
- Click on the Title of the project or hover over the ellipsis icon and select View from the options.
- Go to Settings on the left panel.
- In RFQ Settings section, there are two options.
- Project Branding - Clicking this toggle switch button allows you to upload a project logo which will be used for email communications and interfaces instead of the organisation title.
- Sealed Bidding - Enabling the Sealed Bidding feature for a project will restrict users from viewing RFQ responses before the RFQ close time. If you are the RFQ Owner or anyone who has access to the RFQ, you will not be able to view the quote until it is closed. Clicking this toggle switch button will enable this feature for all RFQs in the project.
- In Currency section, Base Currency is set to Australian Dollar (AUD) by default. Clicking the Multi-Currency Project toggle switch button allows you to select multiple currencies that vendors can quote in for the project.
- Click the Add Currency button to add a currency and update the following fields:
- (Required) Currency - Select the currency you want to add from the dropdown.
- (Required) Exchange Rate (AUD) - Enter the exchange rate value in AUD currency.
- Click the Add button.
- In Budget section, enter the value in the Budget field.

Project Permissions
For permissions:
- Select from the following options:
- (Default) Anyone can view and edit
- Anyone can view, editing restricted - The project owner has required permission by default.
- Select who can view and edit - The project owner has required permission by default.
- You can add users or teams and set the type of access they should have by clicking the Add new permission button.
- To remove users or teams access to the project, click the trash bin icon.