Completing a panel refresh

Last updated April 13, 2021
Written by Alex Moloney

From time to time an organisation may allow their vendors to update their Standard Rates and compliance details as part of a panel refresh.

Notification of a panel refresh can be received by direct email from an organisation or platform notification, and may sometimes involve an unlock event if you're required to update your compliance information.

Updating standard rates

Navigate to the Standard Rates page by clicking on the link within the organisation onboarding stepper.

Click the plus icon next to the service you wish to update rates for, followed by the Edit button.

If you're unable to find the Edit button, try looking for a horizontal scroll bar and scroll to the very far-right of the box.

Enter your new rates for the region, and click the Save button.

Repeat these steps for each service you wish to provide new rates for.

Updating compliance details

If the organisation has unlocked your account, you may also be required to update your compliance details. You can check your account Dashboard for an unlock notice to confirm if this is the case.

Navigate to the Questionnaire page by clicking on the link within the organisation onboarding stepper.

Click through each section to confirm if there are any new additional questions to complete.

Make any required adjustments and press Save to update your responses.

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