The Felix Product Support escalation process is intended to ensure that tickets are satisfactorily resolved for customers, as well as that response targets are met where an Enterprise agreement has been entered into between Felix and a customer.
Customers can escalate requests once the agreed first-response time has passed or the first response has been made. Depending on the priority of the request and whether you have an Enterprise agreement this is often a different time. For normal day to day requests, the standard first-response time is 24 hours.
Once a ticket has been acknowledged by the team, customers can request for their issue to be escalated.
The below steps indicate how to escalate a request first with the ticket handling agent through to the team manager.
The first level of escalation should occur with the ticket handling agent directly. Send a reply letting the ticket handling agent know you'd like this request to be escalated. The ticket handling agent will work with you per SLA to resolve the issue.
Next-level prioritisation escalates the ticket to our Tier 2 Support team for review and resolution. If you are unhappy with the resolution provided by the ticket handling agent, you can reply to the request, or contact our team via phone, asking for it to be escalated to the next tier.
If neither the Tier 1 Support or Tier 2 Support teams were able to adequately resolve your request, you can formally escalate the case for review. To trigger a formal review of the case by a manager please email When emailing please include the following details:
Issues will only be reviewed and addressed at this level once they have passed through the prior two escalation levels. This level should only be required under exceptional circumstances when a broader response is required and may involve the following team members: