The first section you see when opening an RFQ is the Job Details. This section contains basic information about the overall job.
Tip: You can learn more about the other sections in an RFQ by reading our guide; Introducing RFQs.
Name | Description |
Status | Indicates the current progress of the RFQ. Possible statuses include if the RFQ is still open, if you have already quoted or if it is closed. |
Date Received | The date on which you were issued the RFQ. |
Quote Close Date | The date on which the RFQ will automatically close. You will have until this date to provide your response. |
Job Start Date | The proposed start date of the job or package of work. |
Job End Date | The proposed end date of the job or package of work. |
From | The name of the organisation that issued the RFQ. |
Job Location | Where the work will occur. You can also view location details in the Map View section which is discussed below. |
Job Type | Indicates the status of the project. This field may indicate if the work is still in the tendering phase, if it is a confirmed job or if the organisation just wishes vendors to submit a pricing schedule for certain items. |
Work Type | Indicates the type of work being undertaken. For example, this field may be used to indicate whether the RFQ is for a commercial project or some maintenance work. |
In the top right of the Job Details tab, you will find the Contact Details section. This section lists the details of the primary contact in charge of the RFQ, from the organisation who issued it.
In this section, you will find the name of the organisation, the contact person as well as their email address and phone number in case you need to contact them.
Tip: Some organisations may choose to withhold the contact details related to RFQs until they are closed for quoting, in situations like this it would be best to submit an RFI if you have any questions. You can learn how to submit an RFI in our guide; How to send RFQ messages.
Below the job information, you will find the Matched Items section. This section includes a list of services that have been requested within the RFQ that matched with the services you are able to provide.
The Service Close Date is listed next to each item, this is the date you are required to respond by for that particular service.
Tip: Be sure to take note of the service close date for each item as it may differ from the closing date for the overall RFQ. You will not be able to submit a quote response for services after their service close date, even if the RFQ is still open.
At the bottom of the page, you will find the Map View section. This section will display the location of the work visually on a map, as has been indicated in the Job Location field.
Tip: You can expand the Map View section by clicking the orange arrow beside the section title.