To help you manage your vendor base more effectively, each vendor can be assigned with a variety of tags that communicate their unique business attributes. These attributes can include Indigenous Owned, Local Vendors, Social Enterprise, and many others.
Once tags have been applied to a vendor, they will be displayed in the vendor list and can be used to filter the list by the desired tag. Vendor tags will also be displayed in the Browse Panel, RFQ Quote Details, and in the Approval Forms.
To assign a tag to a vendor:
Tip: The Tags drop-down menu will display all the tags available for you to use, as configured by your Felix Administrator. If you are an administrator user and would like to create a new tag, you can learn how to do so in our guide; How to configure vendor tags.
To add comments to a tag:
Tip: When a comment has been added to a tag, it will be displayed when a user hovers over the tag icons for the relevant vendor.
To remove a tag that has been applied to a vendor: