A panel serves as a fundamental organisational unit within Felix, enabling you efficiently manage your vendors, handle their onboarding process, and ensure ongoing compliance.
To create or edit panels in Felix, you are required to have administrator permissions.
Adding a new panel
To add a new panel:
- Navigate to Settings > Panel Management from the main menu.
- Click the Add New Panel button.
- Update the following fields:
- (Required) Full Panel Name - This is the panel name.
- (Required) Short Panel Name - This is the panel name.
- (Required) Display items for - Click the checkbox if it is either Dry Hire, Wet Hire or both.
- Description - Enter more details about the panel.
- Engagement - Browse Panel - Limit Value - Update this field if you wish to limit the engagement value for the panel. This requires the Engagement feature to be configured for your organisation.
- Form Information - Enter any details you would like to make available to your vendors. This requires the Public Registration feature to be configured for your organisation.
- Standard Rates workflow - Click from the radio button options if you want the submission of standard rates by vendors to be Mandatory, Non-mandatory or Off.
- Listed? - Select Yes or No if you would like your panel to be listed or not.
- Notify this email address when new submissions are received - Enter an email address where the notification will be sent when there are new submissions received.
- Sign off template is required at invitation - Select Yes or No as to whether you require your staff to select a template when they invite a vendor.
- In the Categories section, select which mode you would like to apply to the panel.
- Open Mode - In this mode, vendors have the flexibility to choose any of the default Felix categories as part of their onboarding process for the panel.
- Exclude Mode - Enter the relevant service categories in the field provided that are not relevant to your panel and select from the available options.
- Include Mode - Enter the relevant service categories in the field provided that are relevant to your panel and select from the available options.
- Click the Save button.
Categories can be configured by your organisation however are more commonly configured in bulk by Felix on behalf of clients. Reach out to your Customer Success

The Display items for field allows you to control the pricing options for standard rates displayed on the Browse Panel page for the relevant panel. For Rapid Sourcing feature customers only.
Editing an existing panel
To edit an existing panel:
- Navigate to Settings > Panel Management from the main menu.
- Locate the panel you would like to edit.
- Hover over the ellipsis icon and select Edit from the options.
- Make the necessary changes.
- Click the Save button.

To learn more about panels and how they are used, refer to Understanding panels.