How to recover a Felix vendor account

Last updated January 30, 2025
Written by Joel Martin

In case the current user has left the company or you no longer have access to the email address associated with your account, reaching out to the Support team is necessary to initiate a Change of Ownership process.

Someone else in my business has access to the email account associated with our

Felix account

There are three things to consider:

  • If a new vendor user wants to be added to an existing account, they don't have an email address that is already being used in Felix, and the existing contact on the vendor account still has access to the account
    • In this case, it is recommended that the existing contact on the vendor account adds the new vendor user via User Management within their vendor profile.
  • If a new vendor user wants to be added to an account and already has an email address that is already being used in Felix
    • In this case, it is recommended to merge the accounts. Please complete a Declaration of Authority form to request a merge of accounts.  Include the email address and company names of the two Felix accounts on the form.
  • If a new vendor user wants to be added or take ownership of an account and they don't have an email address that is already being used in Felix

For a change of ownership:

Reach out to the Helpdesk at for safety purposes. We require new account owners to fill out a Declaration of Authority form which will be automatically submitted to the support team.

When filling out the form, we require to fill in the following details:

 1. Company Details

 2. Requester Details

 3. Transfer Details

For security reasons, we recommend that the new account owner perform a password reset instead of asking for the password from the old account owner. We strongly recommend against the sharing of passwords.

I no longer have access to the email account associated with my Felix account

If you no longer have access to the email account associated with your Felix account, (e.g. the account owner has left the company or the email account no longer exists) you can get in touch with the Support team who can guide you through the change of ownership process.

The Support team will need to verify that you are the real account owner or are otherwise authorised to request a change of ownership for the account. They will let you know what evidence will be required so that you can recover your account.

For security reasons, the Support team will not be able to provide login details to anyone unable to prove that they are the account owner or are otherwise authorised to request a change of ownership for the account.

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