Maintaining your Felix account

Last updated February 18, 2025
Written by Joel Martin

Once you have your Felix account up and running there are a few simple tasks that will ensure you are always getting the most out of your account and the platform.

Make sure you're on-board

The first step for any Felix account owner is ensuring that you have completed onboarding for each of the organisations you have received invites from. Through your dashboard, you are able to check the progress of your application for each organisation. The application stepper lists each section in the application with a progress bar to indicate what step you are currently at.

Keep your contact details up to date

Keeping your contact details current and accurate will ensure that you always receive communications whether they be from the organisations you are working with or directly from Felix.

Maintain your active services

Having an accurate and up to date listing of the services that your business provide will allow organisations to match to you for relevant RFQs. Be sure to check that all of your services have been added to the correct panels. Organisations are able to search for, and view vendors based on what services they have available, so it is always a good idea to keep your services up to date even if you are currently not responding to RFQs.

Update your compliance documents

Allowing your compliance documents to expire can cause your profile to become suspended or fall into non-compliance. It is a good idea to log in often and make sure you know when documents are nearing expiry.

Tip: Documents expiring within 30 days are highlighted in gold.

Respond to RFQs

You will be notified when an organisation publishes an RFQ which requests services that match with your capabilities. Checking your emails is the quickest way to be notified, however you can also see the number of outstanding RFQs on your dashboard.

Check your messages

Organisations can send messages to their vendors that can be viewed when you're logged in to the platform. These messages are normally used by organisations for general information that they want to share with their vendors such as non-trading periods or notifications for panel refreshes.

Still have questions?

Our friendly Australian based product support team is available to assist with any questions you might have about the platform or Felix.

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