Introducing RFQs

Last updated November 04, 2024
Written by Stephen Atkinson

A Request for Quotation (RFQ) is used by an organisation to source goods and services for a project. RFQs are generally issued on an ad-hoc basis, as requirements arise. The settings, locations and services you list on your account will determine if you match with an RFQ.


Why do I receive RFQs in Felix?

Felix operates both a service (Felix Marketplace) for contractors in the market needing products and services, as well as for large enterprise customers (Felix Enterprise) who manage their vendor relationships, sourcing and contracts in Felix.

You may receive an RFQ for a number of reasons:

  1. You are a a trial or paying subscriber in the Felix Marketplace, and have matched with a Contractor's needs based upon your services offered and branch locations setup in your account.

  2. You are a Felix Marketplace vendor, who has opted-in to be discoverable to Felix Enterprise clients, and an Enterprise client has discovered you by services offered or location whilst preparing an RFQ.

  3. A Felix Enterprise client has added you to an RFQ by adding your email address. In this case you will also receive an email inviting you to join their vendor listing, which may include some questionnaires and document requests to be approved on their vendor listing.

  4. You have been invited to join, or have already joined (onboarded to) a Felix Enterprise client and that client has chosen included you in an RFQ. The client may have added you specifically, or included you on the basis of other parameters such as location, matching services offered, or information they hold about you (such as size, risk level, your social license to operate, etc)

Getting informed about RFQs

There are a number of ways Felix supports you in receiving and managing RFQs:

  • Emails to your account email address, and text messages to your mobile, where you have continued to opt into emails and texts about RFQs.
  • Notifications on the Dashboard
  • Reviewing the RFQ Listing

Email notifications and text messages

When you first join Felix as a user on a vendor account, you are opted into a number of notification topics. These include notifications about RFQs.

If you provided an Australian mobile number, we also auto opted you into receipt of text messages for key RFQ notifications.

In both cases, you can manage your notification preferences by accessing My Profile as shown below:

Dashboard notifications

On your Felix dashboard, you are informed about key actions required. One of these includes receipt of an RFQ, but you also will see notifications related to RFQs for:

  • Messages and Addenda from clients on RFQs
  • Post tender requests, where an RFQ has Closed but the client requires further information from you.

The RFQ Listing

Clicking on Request for Quotation from your Felix dashboard will take you to a page that lists all the RFQs that have been issued to you. Each column of the list contains some basic information relating to the individual RFQ.

You can view more detailed information about each RFQ by simply clicking the RFQ you would like to view, or by hovering over the more icon beside the relevant RFQ and selecting the View Details option from the drop-down menu.

Tip:  By clicking on certain column headers you can re-order the list of RFQs. You are able to order them alphabetically, by date received or closing date, as well as a few others. You can also able to search and filter the list accordingly to make RFQs easier to locate.

RFQ detail view - an overview

An RFQ is broken up into several sections accessible by clicking on each section tab in the RFQ detail view. If you clicked on a link from within an email or text message, this is likely the location you will land on.

The table below outlines what is contained in each section.

Job DetailsThe Job Details tab contains basic information about the overall job. This section displays important information such as the status of the RFQ, the quote close date, location and contact details as well as a list of the services you matched with on this RFQ.

You can read more about the Job Details section of an RFQ by reading our guide; Understanding job details.
DocumentsThe Documents tab contains a list of all the documents related to the services you matched with, that have been added to the RFQ by the organisation issuing it. In this section, you can view information about each document such as its type, when it was added, if it has had any revisions and which service it applies to.

If there are no documents to review, this tab will not be displayed.
ResponseThe Response tab contains the relevant information about each service that was matched and allows you to provide your quote against them.

The fields in this tab and how to complete them are outlined in more detail in our guide; How to respond to an RFQ.
CommunicationsThe Communications section contains any correspondence between you as the vendor and the issuing organisation in regards to the RFQ.

You can learn more about messages within an RFQ by reading our guide; Types of RFQ messages.
NotesThe Notes tab allows you to track any additional information that relates to the RFQ as well as set callback reminders. These notes will not be visible to the organisation.

You can learn more about setting callback reminders and adding notes in our guide; How to add notes to an RFQ.
OptionsThe Options section of the RFQ provides additional options when interacting with the RFQ such as downloading the RFQ, forwarding it to other recipients or declining to respond to the RFQ.
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